• Domain Strength DR/DA

     There is no such thing as "Domain Strength" and if there was, any of the orphan and dead-ended pages would've ranked on your domain. Listen to me:

    Does this mean having a high DR/DA is useless? No.

    Does this mean we cant rank a page/url if the DR/DA is high? No.

    Its a conceptual post for you to internalise and understand how things work.

    Homepage itself is a page, any links coming to this page would consider links of THAT specific page, any internal page will not be getting any benefit from homepage or root domain.

    Unless you have internal links leading to all the internal pages while understanding the crawl depth and optimised for crawl budget.

    A link from your homepage to internal page is a very powerful backlink.

    All the pages you see ranking because of high DR/DA is not because of the domain itself, its the internal linking from root domain/homepage to those internal pages.

    Any page that is 1 click away from homepage is crawl-depth 1 - These pages will get maximum Link Equity.

    Any page that is 2 click away from home page is crawl-depth 2- This is more like second tier pages, they will get second most priority in link equity.

    And so on.

    Internal links are equal or more powerful than outbound link.

    8 out of 10 times people hire me to audit their website and make a link-building strategy, I tell them to NOT make backlinks at all. at least for the next 1 year.

    Educate yourself and squeeze the link equity out of your own domain first man.


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